How to freeze rows and columns in Excel?

Freezing rows and columns in Excel is very useful option, when you need to work with lot of data. Freezing means, that some rows and/or columns will be always visible on your screen – even if you scroll your spreadsheet up and down or side to side.

How to freeze top row?

  • Select any cell in the top row of the sheet.
  • On the Ribbon, click the View tab, select Freeze Panes, and then Freeze Top Row:
Freezing top row
  • After selecting this command, a thin black line should appear between the top line and the other ones:
Freezing top row
  • After scrolling down, you can see that the top row is always visible:
Freezing top row

How to freeze first column?

  • Select any cell in the first column of the sheet.
  • On the Ribbon, click the View tab, select Freeze Panes, and then Freeze First Column:
Freezing first column
  • After selecting this command, a thin black line should appear between the first column and the other ones:
Freezing first column
  • After scrolling down, you can see that the first column is always visible:
Freezing first column

Freezing multiple rows

  • Select row above which you want block cells – for example, if you want to block rows 1-4, select row 5.
  • On the Ribbon, click the View tab, select Freeze Panes, and then again Freeze Panes:
Freezing multiple rows
  • After selecting this command, a thin black line should appear between selected rows and other ones.
  • After scrolling down, you can see that frozen rows are still visible:
Freezing multiple rows

Freezing multiple columns

  • Select column to the left of which you want block cells – for example, if you want to block columns A-D, select column E.
  • On the Ribbon, click the View tab, select Freeze Panes, and then again Freeze Panes:
Freezing multiple columns
  • After selecting this command, a thin black line should appear between selected columns and other ones:
  • After scrolling down, you can see that frozen columns are still visible:
Freezing multiple columns

How to freeze rows and columns at the same time?

  • Select the cell to the left of which and above which columns and rows are to be blocked. In this example I want to block rows 1-4 and columns A-D, so cell to be selected is E5.
  • As in previous cases, go on the Ribbon to the View tab, and then select Freeze Panes:
Freezing rows at columns at the same time
  • After completing these steps, you may notice that rows above and columns to the left of the selected cell are locked when scrolling the sheet:
Freezing rows at columns at the same time

How you can unfreeze already frozen panes?

  • Select any cell in sheet with already frozen columns/rows.
  • Go to View tab on the Ribbon and select Unfreeze Panes option:
Unfreezing panes

Important note:
Unfreeze Panes option is active only in sheets, which contain previously frozen rows or columns.

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